High quality tax & legal advice for e-commerce entrepreneurs

Perfect tax & legal advice for healthcare professionals Entrepreneurs

SKULD is a tax consultant and law firm for healthcare providers and online traders
Our approach is modern and dynamic, our team consists of tax consultants and lawyers. Our passion? Our clients are primarily online retailers and other ecommerce entrepreneurs. We also support medical providers: Pharmacists, doctors, dentists, veterinarians and alternative practitioners are our clients. We act as lawyers, we provide financial advice and payroll accounting services.
We look forward to hearing from you!

We are outstanding for many reasons!
Law firm SKULD - Tax consultants
Tax & legal advice for e-commerce entrepreneurs & healthcare providers
We work online only
Our team, partners and clients collaborate online only. You will enjoy and benefit from our efficient accounting procedures, digital documents and state-of-the-art data security. Our invoicefetcher® software also ensures an automated transmission of invoices – you will experience an exclusively paperless document management.
We deliver perfect expertise - in law and tax
Our partners advise you on many legal issues, such as IT law, commercial law, tax law, company law and more. This way, all of your legal problems will be completely taken care of.
Foresighted tax advice
We provide you with forward-looking advice on changes in the legal situation and how these may affect your individual matters. We also conduct quarterly business analysis meetings with our clients.
We are the competent tax experts for online traders
We advise you in detail on delivery thresholds, advance VAT returns and cross-border reporting duties.
Our lawyers are ecommerce experts
We will be happy to refer you to our experts in IT law, ecommerce and online retailers. There are various challenges here and attention must be paid to legal issues in detail.
Digital documents
Our “DATEV Upload mobil” app allows you to conveniently and easily transfer documents (including paper receipts) to our “DATEV Unternehmen Online” cloud.
We offer an external data protection officer
Our IT legal expert can be requested by your company as an external data protection officer (DSB-TÜV). In this way, we can also optimally map the data protection aspect for you.
Our partners
We are officially partnered with billbee, countX & Jera and are familiar with the respective interfaces and systems.
SKULD is your right choice for a reason
Law firm SKULD – Tax consultants and lawyers
Our mission is to provide you, our valued customers, with a one-stop service. We offer you experts with many years of professional experience and an excellent reputation and market position. Your medical office, your healthcare company, your ecommerce company and your online business are in the best of hands with us in terms of legal and tax law – we generate added value for you: with our financial accounting services, with our support for your online shop and with individual and detailed legal support for each of your projects. Ask us also about competition law problems or trade mark applications!
We – the law firm SKULD – are there for you!

Known from the ExtraTipps on your
favorite radio station Antenne Bayern
Schedule your first consultation with us – free of charge, free of commitments
How can we assist you?
If you have any questions or concerns, please let us know.